15-20 minute lessons to keep you engaged and in top form.
We follow the syllabus layout so that you can be confident you know everything required.
We all learn differently. Have the lesson read out to you with our text-to-speech function.
Our reviews are designed to make sure you understand and remember the key takeaways from each lesson.
Access the reviews from the review menu in each module. Re-visit any review for a knowledge touch-up or to solidify the lesson content in your memory.
Test your active recall with flashcards for each lesson.
Group up flashcards from multiple lessons to really test your progress.
Flashcards to test every piece of information we think you'll need.
Multiple mock exams to test your knowledge across the whole syllabus.
Get feedback on wrong answers and an explanation for the right answer. We'll point you to the lesson that covers that topic.
Unlike some other providers who charge you for mock exams - ours are all included in the module price.
We've included the syllabus so that you can cross check your knowledge with the CAA requirements.
We'll keep your version of the syllabus as up-to-date as we can, and let you know when there are any changes you might need to know.
Unlike some other providers who charge you for mock exams - ours are all included in the module price.
It takes a while to get used to radio communications, so we're giving you a head start. Get familiar with some common calls.
This FREE section helps to enhance your understanding of the Flight Radio module.
Transcriptions provided to help you understand particularly tricky calls.
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